
Sapan Inka

Center for research and exploring expanded states of consciousness

Our approach

Transpersonal Psychotherapy


Sessions that we offer are based on a transpersonal approach. It is an integral and holistic approach that explores the deep world of the psyche and the relationship between the human being and the cosmos.


Transpersonal therapy aims to support people who are going through a process of transformation and evolution, those who have the need to explore, know and integrate processes and events that transcend the usual sense of identity, and those who are looking for an experience of unity, interconnectivity and expansion of consciousness, people who wishes to experience a reality with more meaning.



Transpersonal psychotherapy is interested in the dynamics of human transformation, in the process of psychospiritual evolution, in the process of individuation, in self-realization and in other forms of transformative growth. In this sense, we offer council so that the person can live his own process of psychological self-realization that will lead him/her to the discovery and development of his/her own potential, likewise, develop a philosophical vision of the world and the cosmos, allowing him/her to find more meaning to his own existence.

Our job is to provide council and guidance in this process of inner growth or personal evolution, although the true work of transformation and development depends on the commitment and discipline of each one.


During the course of the sessions we will recommend practices and exercises that will allow you to stay in constant psychospiritual training. And together, we will explore your experiences of a transpersonal nature, that is, peak or mystical experiences, experiences of expanded states of consciousness acquired through the practice of deep introspection or meditation and experiences achieved thanks to the use of psychedelic substances or other exploration techniques.




Roberto Assagioli, an Italian psychiatrist and thinker, used the term psychosynthesis for the first time in 1926, to refer to a psychotherapeutic method or approach whose main motivation was to organize the personality around a unifying center. Since then, Assagioli dedicated his life to continue building and perfecting this method. He was always interested in the investigation of the spiritual world. He was a practitioner of meditation and he was familiar with Eastern spirituality, various spiritual currents of the West and classical and modern philosophical thought.



Through psychosynthesis it is possible to find a path of self-knowledge and transformation that allows us to integrate and sublimate lower aspects of our personality known as sub-personalities, which are normally in conflict and, in general, we are not aware of them. Furthermore, psychosynthesis allows the use of various techniques and procedures that aim to promote the integration of the personality, seeking the development of the human being in a dynamic, harmonious and progressive way. The interesting thing about psychosynthesis is its dynamism and ability to integrate different empirical, existential, humanistic and transpersonal conceptions and methods. In psychosynthesis the objective is an organic and harmonious unity of all aspects of the human being through a general law of inter-individual and cosmic synthesis. The method seeks psychological healing through the reconciliation of internal tendencies; look for the unification of the lower with the higher, and the utilization and sublimation of the lower energies. It is obviously a process of self-realization that seeks to harmonize all psychological functions and develop human potentiality at all levels of the psychological constitution. This self-realization tries to establish a connection with the true center of the personality or itself, going through successive stages, heading towards the light, towards perfection, towards the inner sun; in the search for the unification of the personality.


A very important aspect of psychosynthesis corresponds to the development of the will, which acquires a preeminent position, becoming a central element and direct expression of the Self. The development of the will is a process that goes through different stages, reaching the identification of the transpersonal will with the essence of being, a will capable of learning to observe, direct and harmonize all psychological functions. This self-identification is extremely important, since, as Assagioli mentions:


“Continuously identifying with a function or with a predominant element often, and almost inevitably, leads to a precarious life situation, which sooner or later translates into a feeling of loss, even despair, as in the case of the athlete who grows old and loses his physical strength; of the actress whose physical beauty fades; of the mother who is left alone when the children grow up; or the student who must leave school and face a new type of responsibility. These situations can lead to serious and sometimes very painful crises, which can be considered as more or less partial psychological deaths. Desperately clinging to the declining old identity is no use. The real solution can only be a rebirth, that is, entering a new and broader identification. Sometimes this involves the whole personality and requires an awakening or a birth to a new and higher state of being. The process of death and rebirth has been symbolically expressed in different mysteries, and has been lived and described in religious terms by many mystics. It is currently being rediscovered in terms of transpersonal experiences and achievements.”



Psychedelic Integration Sessions

Sapan Inka

Sapan Inka

Center for research and exploring expanded states of consciousness


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